Steel Slitting Status
US Steel is Now Taking Advantage of Levy’s "Burrless" Steel Slitting Service
Levy is currently operating eight slab slitting machines for United States Steel at Gary that will, with the addition of six more machines, longitudinally slit 220k tons of steel each calendar month.
The machines are being built in two separate areas (to support two casting machines). Eight machines are operating in one area and six are planned in another.
The slitting machines are of a different design to the machines Levy uses for plate mills. They are designed to cut slabs up to 110" wide, 10" thick and over 32' long. Cutting takes place in a flat position with no elevation of the slab required.
Each batch of machines will be operated by a single person to slit and side trim slabs "Burrless".
Each machine weighs 79 tons and is custom made for the customer and therefore dimensions of the machine will vary from mill to mill. The machines at Gary Works are approximately 50' long x 12' wide and stand over 12' tall.
Cutting has always been labor intensive, costly, dirty and operator unfriendly. Levy’s development has solved these problems to reduce costs and improve quality.