Steel Slitting
Eliminating Burr Formation During Steel Slitting Operations is a Major Breakthrough for Industry
Steel cutting for strip mills has always been a perplexing problem. In steel slitting processes, a burr is formed on the opposite side of the cut that must be removed, and this secondary process costs money and interferes with process flow. More importantly, cutting steel relies on a person with a tape measure, and burr removal relies on that person doing his job correctly all the time. Inevitably human error will occur.
Levy technology manufactures multiple steel slitting machines run by one operator. The tables are not in line with the caster; the facility is designed to operate off-line to maintain the casting machines' production rate.
The tables are fully automatic, are cut to an accuracy of 1/4" on the width over the full length, can distribute the dimensional differences over two slabs when the caster produces tapered slabs, cut burrless, have a lower kerf width, can side trim if required, and offer many other economic advantages to the steel industry.
The heart of the system passes a small amount of gas and oxygen through Levy’s proprietary Spyder technology, which is positioned close to the underside of the cut to keep liquid metallic waste (kerf) liquid so that it cannot adhere to the parted pieces. Simply stated: the burr is blown off the steel, and it never forms, eliminating subsequent burr removal steps.
View a video of the Steel Slitting Services offered by Indiana Flame Service